Tips To Help You Prevent And Eliminate A Gopher Problem In Your Yard

Gophers are not considered a dangerous pest, but they can cause damage to your yard and landscaping that can result in extra expenses and holes in your yard. A gopher colony in your yard is not something that will go away on its own, so you will need to take some steps to remove them. Here are some great recommendations to help you protect your yard from and get rid of a current gopher infestation.

Bait and Traps

The problem with gophers is that they dig holes and tunnels through the ground in your yard, killing lawns, trees, and plants when they eat your vegetation roots. And because their network of tunnels leaves gaps in your soil, they can cause divots in your yard, leaving your pavement unstable and causing it to collapse. With the help of gopher traps, you can trap and eliminate them from your yard and prevent further damage.

Look for a gopher trap that can be buried within the tunnel. Then, locate a tunnel in your yard. Use a metal pole to probe the earth until you find the tunnel's opening. Dig into the tunnel from the surface of the ground and bury a set trap on both openings to the tunnel, eliminating any way for a gopher to bypass the trap. Bury the trap under a layer of soil but leave the tunnel opening accessible for the gophers, then check it the next day.

You can also place traps and live trap cages around your yard. By using bait, such as peanut butter or lettuce leaves, you can increase your chances of catching a gopher. A local pest control company can help you with traps and removing the gophers from your property.

Natural Remedies

You can also try a safe method to get rid of gophers without harming them. Ultrasonic repellents are a great way to make gophers leave your yard in favor of a better environment. Because ultrasonic noises irritate gophers, they won't want to remain in your yard. Be sure you fill in their holes after they leave so another gopher family does not move in. You can also plant vegetation that repels gophers, such as lavender, rosemary, marigolds, and salvia. These plants also make great additions to your landscaping and gardens.


Then, to prevent gophers from tunneling back into your yard, you can install a gopher mesh just under the soil in your yard. This mesh allows your lawn and other plants to grow naturally but will prevent gophers from digging down into your soil or up into your yard. You can also install the mesh barrier around the roots of trees and plants to protect them from being killed by gopher damage.

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Pest Control For Businesses There's controlling ants and pests in your house, but when it comes to creating an ideal retail space, eradicating pests might be the only answer. When insects and rodents nest in your workspace, they could spark health and safety problems that follow you around for weeks, months, or years. Fortunately, by moving forward with pest control, you can make things better. On this website, check out awesome tips for controlling pests, vermin, and other animals within your business. After all, a little effort now could keep you in business later. Check out these this to make your life better every day.



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