Summer is almost over. Now that some of the pests will be coming out of their hiding places, it's time to schedule your pest control service for the fall. Getting an early start can help to keep the pests away. Pesticide treatment will create a barrier between your home and the cool weather pests. Two of the most annoying pests are roaches and spiders. The pest control service will keep all the other pests away as well. But, there are some steps you need to take to get the most out of your pest control service. Here are four of those steps.
Make a Path Around Your House
If you're going to have pesticide treatment on the outside of your home, make a path. The pest control technician needs to get the pesticide right up against the foundation of your home. If that area is blocked with vegetation or other debris, the pesticide won't be as effective. Before your pest control technician gets there, clear the area around your home.
Clear the Indoor Access Points
If you're going to have treatment inside your home, you'll need to get that area ready as well. The first thing you need to do is clear the indoor access points. Those are the areas in your home where pests tend to gather. Some of those places include under your sink and behind your appliances. Before your appointment, clear the indoor access points. You can use plastic bins to store the contents of those areas until after treatment. If you've seen pest activity in other out-of-the-way areas, like bedroom closets, empty those too. That way, your pest control technician can treat those areas.
Secure Food and Toiletries
If you've scheduled pesticide treatment inside your home, pay close attention to your kitchen and bathrooms. Those areas need to be secured before treatment. In your kitchen, you'll need to remove food and eating utensils from your counters. In your bathrooms, you'll need to remove toothbrushes and toiletries from your counters. That way, they don't come in contact with the pesticide.
Remove the Clutter
Finally, if you're scheduled for pest control services, remove the clutter. These are items around the house that could get in the way of your treatment. If your children have toys out in their room, put those into storage bins. If there are clothes on the floor, put those into bins. A clear floor gives your pesticide technician more room to move around in. That means you'll get a better application of pesticides throughout your home.
If you have a bug problem, go online to websites like to find an exterminator in your area.