It's always a good idea to have a pest control company come out regularly to treat your home for pests. Unless you have a specific problem, such as termites or spiders, the professionals will do a basic treatment that includes going along the baseboards of the home's interior and spraying a portion of the yard. Here are some general things you may want to know about residential pest control:
Pest control treatments should be done even if you don't see pests
You might not feel you need to have someone come out to treat your home for pests because you don't seem to have any right now. However, you can end up with pests in your home at any time. If you do get pests and you don't spot them right away, then by the time you do see them, you might have a full-blown problem. When the problem is more serious, it will take more time to get the problem completely under control and until the problem is gone, you will have to deal with seeing the pests in your home, which is not a nice experience.
You may not always get the same treatment every visit
You may notice the initial treatment that you get the first time the pest control company comes out is a comprehensive one, while the next treatment may only cover the outside of the home. This is because the professionals may feel that the treatment inside the home is still going strong, depending on what is used, what pests have or have not been found in your home, and what length of time has passed since the initial treatment.
You want to alert the pest control company to new pests
If you are finding new pests in or around your home, then you want to try to save one to show the pest control operator if you don't already know what it is and you can safely capture it. This way, they can identify it for you and let you know if it is harmful. Also, if the pest is something they would use a different treatment for, then alerting them to the presence of that pest helps them know how to properly treat your home. For example, they may approach things a bit differently if they learn that you have been seeing scorpions around your home.
If you are still wondering if you should start having a pest control company come out to your house, the answer is yes and you should have been having them come out from the time you moved in your home. Reach out to a professional who provides pest control services.