Rodents are furry pests that nobody wants to have to share their space with if they don't have to. Rodents such as mice and rats can be harmful to your health if you are sharing your space with them, and they can be dangerous to your pets and hazardous to your home. Rodents will bring in other pests along with them, either through their same entrance or on the rodents themselves, which can cause yet another problem for you. If you have a rodent infestation, it's best to hire a professional to help you get rid of them. Read on for what you can try to do on your own to get rid of the rodents and other pests as well.
Set Traps For The Rodents
Mice and rats are both rodents, but one trap is not suitable for the other. Mousetraps are smaller, so if you have rats, you may need larger traps. Go to your local hardware store to see what types of traps you will need depending on your rodent situation. You can also purchase poisonous baits to help kill these rodents. Poisonous baits will usually work for either mice or rats. To help lure them to the traps, you can also use peanut butter to attract these pests to the traps. Set the poisonous baits near the traps as well.
Clean Up Oil And Grease
Rodents like oil and grease, so if you have oil splatters in your kitchen, rodents are going to be lured to these spaces. Clean up these areas of your home by wiping them down with bleach and water or bleach wipes. You can also use a dish soap that helps remove grease and oil buildup and residue. Clean your kitchen area very well, as you will most likely have rodent feces in these areas, which will attract other pests. Do a deep cleaning, and be sure to wear gloves to prevent the spread of bacteria to yourself. Clean like this daily until you are sure you don't have a rodent problem any longer.
Clean Your Yard
Rodents may be coming in because of your surroundings, including your yard. If you have a lot of debris outside your home, these rodents are most likely living here until it starts getting cold, and then they will make their way inside. Clean up your yard so you don't give these rodents a place to nest throughout the rest of the year. Mow and trim your lawn often, and clean up yard debris.
If you have a rodent infestation, it's important to call in a professional to help you eradicate these pests. Call a professional today to get rid of your pest problem, and do what you can to prevent them from returning.
To learn more, contact a rodent control company.