As winter approaches, you might have a lot on your mind. As the weather cools down and the holidays creep up, you might also notice something else trying to creep in. Pests of many different varieties can try to work their way into your home during the winter months.
These are the steps you should take to keep pests out of your home as winter approaches.
Seal Gaps in the Home
In the winter, there are many reasons to keep the gaps in your home closed. Not only can gaps around windows and doors allow cool air into your home (making your heating bill rise), but you can also see pests sneak in. Weather stripping can prevent pests from simply walking or flying in all season.
Package Food in Pest-Free Containers
Winter holidays often come with a lot of meal preparation. This can mean that you might have more ingredients in your pantry than usual. Unfortunately, this can attract a lot of pests to your home. Make sure that you put ingredients, including flour and sugar, in air-tight containers to prevent pests from making a home in your pantry.
Clean Up After Meals
No matter the kinds of meals you make for the winter holidays, make sure that you clean up the kitchen thoroughly after cooking and serving. Even a few crumbs can entice pests to work their way into your home, creating chaos with a serious infestation. Cockroaches and mice are especially devastating when you have crumbs in your kitchen and dining room.
Keep Your Home Dry
Winter also brings more rain and snow in some parts of the country. This means that you might have ants and other insects that gather around your home. Make sure you clean up leaks and secure other water sources as quickly as possible.
Keep Wood Away from the Home
Wood also attracts pests to the home. Make sure you store wood piles for your winter fires away from the home. This means you should also not bring wood from the outside and store it inside the house after it has been outside. When you bring wood in, keep an eye on potential pests, including spiders and ants.
Pest Control Services Can Help
Pest control services can help you seek out pests and stop them in their tracks. If you have spotted pests or suspect you have an infestation, contact a pest control professional for more information. No matter the time of year, pest control services can help.