You can create a happy and comfortable living space if you keep your home free from rodents. To achieve this feat, you have to maintain a home environment where rodents can't survive.
Rodents harbor diseases and also cause structural issues by chewing through your roofing materials. So, you should do everything possible to thwart them before a full-blown rodent infestation occurs in your home.
Read on to discover approaches you can use to keep rodents away from your home.
1. Eliminate Food and Water Sources
Rodents will sometimes try to establish a home where food and water are in plenty. So cut off food sources and store food in tightly sealed, plastic containers. Also, get rid of spilled food on the floors and the counters. Don't forget to pick up fallen veggies and fruits in your garden.
Water sources are also rodent magnets. So, get rid of any standing water in your yard. Ensure no debris builds up on the gutters so water can flow freely without pooling. Also, fill all low spots and holes in your front or backyard that can hold standing water.
2. Seal All Entry Points
Rodents need only a tiny opening to access your home. In fact, they can chew their way into your home through the tiniest crack.
First, inspect your home's exteriors for any holes or rotted areas that rats and mice can squeeze through. If holes exist on the exterior siding, in the crawlspaces, or on sealing decks, plug them with steel wool. Steel wool will discourage persistent rodents from creating openings to get through to your house.
You can also cover large holes in chimneys and vents with mesh to prevent rodent entry. Weatherstripping doors and windows also goes a long way. As for your garage door, use rubber seals to close all gaps.
3. Remove All Rodent Habitats
One effective way to limit pest activity is to eliminate their habitats. Trim all vegetation around your home. Also, do away with all debris and clutter in your yard. These spaces offer pests places to hide and live.
Don't grow trees too close to your house. Since rodents are good climbers, they can use tree branches as bridges to your roofline or attic. So trim overhanging trees as well.
Check the indoor habitats, too. Reduce the clutter in the garage, basement, and other storage sections in your house. If possible, store materials on the shelves and not on the floor. The idea is to eliminate all possible rodent nesting sites.
Rodents can be hard to get rid of once they invade your home. With this guide, a rodent infestation in your home won't be so big a problem. But if it's too late, contact a reputable pest control company as soon as you can.