If you're a homeowner, you want to maintain the value of your home. There are several ways to do that, and one important way is by preventing termite damage. Termites often do harm before you realize it, and the repairs can be expensive.
Dealing with termites involves killing active termites and preventing new ones. Termite control is one of the more important pest control services you can have. Here's how it works.
Monitor Subterranean Termite Activity
Subterranean termites that love moist conditions are common. There are a few types of subterranean termites, and they're found in every state but Alaska. They live under the ground and move through the soil to hunt for food.
A pest control company may install monitoring stations down in the soil in your yard so they can tell when the termites are active. These stations may only have some sort of bait, or they may also contain termiticide that kills the termites that find the bait.
The pest control company checks the stations occasionally to see if the bait has been disturbed. If it has, they may begin treatments to head off an infestation.
Provide Subterranean Termite Treatments
Termite treatments for subterranean termites are provided outdoors since these termites don't usually live inside your house. Instead, they come and go from the outside nest. The exterminator might apply liquid termiticide to the soil around your house or they might put the termite poison inside the monitoring traps.
The termites that are out hunting for food find the poison in the traps and carry it to the nest where it can kill off the colony. This might be done directly or indirectly by disturbing the life cycle of the termites.
Inspect And Treat Your Home For Termites
The pest control company inspects your home for signs of termite activity and to see how much damage has been done by an infestation if any. They can also identify if the termites in your home are subterranean or drywood termites.
Drywood termites are found in a few states, and they're treated differently from termites that live under the soil and are attracted to damp wood. If the exterminator finds termites inside your home, they may treat the walls by injecting termiticide in them. If drywood termites are found, the exterminator may recommend tenting and fumigating your home.
Educate You About Termites
The exterminator may take time to teach you about termites so you can protect your home. They can tell you signs to watch for that termites are in your house. They can also offer advice on how to clean up your property so termites aren't attracted to your yard or house.
Pest control services for termites are often ongoing long-term services so your home is always protected. By keeping up with pest control services and making your home less appealing to termites, you have a good chance of keeping the destructive pests at bay. For more information, contact a company like Good News Pest Solutions.